Country ranking by yearly inflation rate in 2012 is presented below in a form of a table and a diagram and the last column of the table shows the position change compared to the previous year rank.

Rank Country Rate, % +/- Pos
1 Japan -0.21 0
2 Ukraine -0.20 +8
3 Greece 0.80 +2
4 Canada 0.83 -1
5 France 1.33 +1
6 United States 1.74 +1
7 Germany 2.04 -5
Eurozone 2.22 0
European Union 2.35 0
8 United Kingdom 2.63 +1
9 Spain 2.87 -5
10 Mexico 3.57 -2
11 Brazil 5.84 +2
12 Kazakhstan 6.06 +2
13 Turkey 6.16 +2
14 Russia 6.58 -3
15 India 11.17 -3
16 Belarus 21.78 0

Detailed information about each country inflation rate in 2012 is available if you follow the link on the country name.

Countries Ranked by Inflation Rate, 2012

Advanced inflation comparison tool that allows comparison of the inflation rates for custom periods and between any countries is available on the Inflation Comparison page.

All charts on the website are configurable and can be hotlinked. For details see Inflation Charts Api page

<- 2011 | 2012 | 2013 ->
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