
Inflation Charts API allows configuring and displaying live, up to date and updatable inflation charts and diagrams from other websites, blogs or applications for all countries we have data for. For example, you can hotlink current year inflation rate chart that will be updated monthly to reflect the most recent data.

All of the charts, including those from the Charts Pages ( Monthly (MOM), Monthly (YOY), Yearly ) are configurable and you can see examples below.

Terms of Use

Inflation charts are provided free of charge and can be hotlinked and used on other websites, blogs and applications if the following conditions are met:

  • Non-commercial use
  • Link to the original source at statbureau.org is provided. Example: <a href="https://www.statbureau.org">www.statbureau.org</a>

Basic Parameters

All charts support a set of parameters that allow to configure general chart / diagram look, as in the following example:


Parameter Description Sample
language Language of the chart title and labels. en, es, ru
country Country that to show statistics for. belarus, brazil, canada, european-union, eurozone, france, germany, greece, india, japan, kazakhstan, mexico, russia, spain, turkey, ukraine, united-kingdom, united-states
width Width of the image in pixels. Maximum is 800. Any number like: 150, 200, 640
height Height of the image in pixels. Maximum is 600. Any number like: 150, 200, 600
chartType Type of the chart

Area Bar BoxPlot Bubble Candlestick Column Doughnut ErrorBar FastLine FastPoint Funnel Kagi Line Pie Point PointAndFigure Polar Pyramid Radar Range RangeBar RangeColumn Renko Spline SplineArea SplineRange StackedArea StackedArea100 StackedBar StackedBar100 StackedColumn StackedColumn100 StepLine Stock ThreeLineBreak

showTitle Weather to render or not the chart title. However the site name is always included. false, true

Chart Types

Here goes an example of different chart types available for every diagram on the website. Samples are Column, Point, Spline, AreaSpline, Doughnut and Pie

Column Point Spline SplineArea Doughnut Pie

List of Available Inflation Charts

Monthly Inflation - Current Year - One Country - Month over Month

Monthly Inflation - Current Year - One Country - Month over Month

Monthly Inflation - Current Year vs Previous Year - One Country - Month over Month

Monthly Inflation - Current Year vs Previous Year - One Country - Month over Month

Monthly Inflation - Latest 10 Years - One Country - Month over Month

Monthly Inflation - Latest 10 Years - One Country - Month over Month

Monthly Inflation - All Years - One Country - Month over Month

Monthly Inflation - All Years - One Country - Month over Month

Monthly Inflation - Current Year - One Country - Year over Year

Monthly Inflation - Current Year - One Country - Year over Year

Monthly Inflation - Current Year vs Previous Year - One Country - Year over Year

Monthly Inflation - Current Year vs Previous Year - One Country - Year over Year

Monthly Inflation - Latest 10 Years - One Country - Year over Year

Monthly Inflation -  Latest 10 Years - One Country - Year over Year

Monthly Inflation - All Years - One Country - Year over Year

Monthly Inflation - All Years - One Country - Year over Year

Annual Inflation - Latest 10 Years - One Country

Annual Inflation - Latest 10 Years - One Country

Annual Inflation - All Years - One Country

Annual Inflation - All Years - One Country